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torsdag 4 december 2014
#105 prickigt
Ett julkort i de klassiska julfärgerna rött och vitt. En embossingfolder, en snöflinge-dies och en pärla fick vara med :-) Och så en god jul-hälsning såklart.
Jag deltar i en utmaning hos addicted to cas där temat var just prickigt.
Love the polka dot background and how the red pearl on the snowflake carries the red through to the front of the card. Fabulous. So glad you joined us at ATCAS this week Jaydee
Wonderful CAS design and great take on our cue word, thanks for joining us at ATCAS
SvaraRaderaBeautiful dotty background Asa. Your pretty snowflake really pops off the red background. Thanks for joining us at ATCAS.
SvaraRaderaLove the polka dot background and how the red pearl on the snowflake carries the red through to the front of the card. Fabulous. So glad you joined us at ATCAS this week